About me

Hi! Nice to meet you, I’m Christine. I’m a writer, wife, kitty mama, and #boymom to two little ones. I was born and raised in the midwest and have now found myself enjoying the year-round margaritas in Austin, Texas.
Motherhood got off to a bit of rough start for me. My firstborn and I had a lot of nursing problems, and I had some painful postpartum issues that went undiagnosed. Even with a great mama community and a supportive partner, I realized later that I was internally struggling with postpartum anxiety and depression for almost 18 months.
I have also had to navigate how to take care of my more-complicated-than-typical needs as someone with autoimmune issues, allergies, ADHD, anxiety, and as well your typical annoying aging and life things while trying to care for tiny humans.
I’ve been on a 15+ year journey to find true wellness solutions for myself and now for my family. I know now more than ever that how lonely chronic illness can make you feel and there’s plenty I’ve learned that I’ve love to build on and share with others.
I’m a perpetual student of how to make things easier, better, cleaner, greener, happier, or more productive (and yes, I love Radiohead). I’m crunchy but not perfect. I never want to stop improving how I behave as a conscious consumer.
I also love fashion, and now I’m into #momfashion and styling my kiddos. I love finding excellent kids gear and tools that help families trying to do all the things while not going broke and not going insane.
I want to support and share the stories and products of people and organizations who are encouraging and empowering women, mothers, and families. My goal for this blog to provide information, resources, and community for mamas, parents, or really anyone trying to navigate many challenges of modern life. I’m a fussy mama because I care about all the things, and I want to share my stories with you.